Monday, May 4, 2009

Livin' my life HAPPILY...maybe~

Another day passes by without nothing to do....(eheh~ sebenarnye byk mende kene buat but kemalasan beraja di hati....). Bangun tido jer dh lmbt almost 12 huhu (pls dont follow what im doing...) and i had my lunch late:mKenyang:... then today baru teringat yang barang tak packing aku menyepahkan bilikku lalu menukarkan ia menjadi kapal karam!! haha x sabar rasenye nk balik.. kolej pun dah start sunyi sepi.... Good then i can enjoying using internet!! 2-3 ari lepas agak mengong la wireless kat sini...since ramai yg dh abis exam.. YM buat hal, internet down mcm2 lg lah...rase cm nk hempas2 jer laptop :anoto: ! Thinking that im not that rich enough to buy a new one sooooooo sabar jer Oh ye baju banyak x basuh lagi...dengan cuaca yang agak baik ni better aku g basuh skrg...ermm study?? of course.. since i got 2 more papers to go... sigh..... Tonight ade kenduri dgn bdk2 biomed 1st year..macam best jer...well i love eating! Give me anything (halal only) im sure can finish it within second!! haha....(gelojoh ya amat!) haha~

:28: ~another day of me.......~

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A complete profile of ME..... pfft~

Name: Nana
Age: Still young

Sex: Never. Wait until I married

Religion: Muslim

Race: I love to race, how you know?

Nationality: I don't like National, I prefer Sony instead

IC Number: Ask the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara

Telephone number: House no telephone

Hand phone number: W200i

Address: Bat town

City: Nor Haliza?

Postcode: I never post anything

State: In my family, I am 1st

Country: I love to travel to United Kingdom

Marriage status: Secret

Email Address: Yahoo

Education Background: My teacher said not bad

Working experience: Last time got sell pirated VCD

Father's name: Daddy

Father's IC: You ask him

Mother's name: Mummy

Mother's IC: You ask her

Current Salary: Depends on my daddy mood

Expected Salary: As much as you can pay

When can start work: Depends on my mood

Highest qualification: Ya, very high

Grade: Ya, very high

College/University: College

Signature: Can I use chop? aku jmpe profile ni mase aku blog-jogging dan surf internet. Maklumat ni agak berguna la jugak bagi mereka-mereka yang ingin mengenali daku dengan lebih rapat ehehehe......

Things In My Head

I'm a fangirl. ni mungkin penuh dengan si pujaan hati!

Oh result mahu keluar. :(

Kolej sudah memanggil-manggil. :(

--If you run away, I'll come running after you. no matter where you go, be it hell, or the furthest corner on earth, I'll catch up with you.--

The Blog Mistress

My photo
Just bear with me people! -_-


Jerit Ramai-ramai!!

Teddy bear mau nyanyi

Mereka yang mengata