Saturday, October 31, 2009

Here we go again~

One more down. Ok 4 more to go with 2 lab practicals. as Biomedic student is hard and this is just a beginning. Wait until we go into 3rd year. A lot more to discover. Huh...

During my 1st year, I regret why i choose Biomedic like there is no other option for me. Hmm...boleh je kalau mahu tukar course ke Pharmacy tapi mase tau dah la takde sape-sape nak bantu and I'm so alone so tak terlintas pun mahu tukar. (yeah mase tu sangat pemalu takde kawan sangat. haishh...). But, like my friend say..bad things happen only to live space for good things happen later on. :) Hopefully lah~

By the way, sekarang I tak regret lagi dah. In fact I'm so happy being in this course. All the lecturer are damn so GOOD in teaching! Especially Dr Rohi. Oh Dr Rohi you are the best EVER! you inspired me a lot u know! *wink-wink* (haish...if u read this can u give me extra mark for pharmacology...please...?) Eh terasa seperti blog ni mempromote Dr Rohi. Haha wait a lot more to come after this! :D Kalau I tukar course dah tentu tak jumpe lecturer ni coz' he is under my department. Lalala~

Hari ni baru je selesai mengambil kertas Khidmat Masyarakat ye kengkawan. Soalan nye memang sangat mengelirukan! hmm..sape suruh tak bace buku..haha jangan tiru macam saye! Selama satu jam membulat-bulatkan jawapan tanpa arah tujuan yang jelas. Huh dan destinasi sudah pasti lah KEHANCURAN! Oh rase macam dah sangat imun dengan perkataan itu semasa exam ni..

But at least En Hukil has promised us to give 47/50 mark for our simulation project. Phew yang lain tu redha je la..... Masa simulasi ni sangat best! Walaupun penat at least we learn something. Macam mane nak buat paper work, surat rasmi etc etc yang mane memang tak pernah pun terfikir macam ni rupenye nak rancang satu-satu program tu! HUHU~ emm but the most interesting part is...jeng jeng jeng...ade satu senior cute dalam group kitorang wei!!~~ Sangat baik, sopan, muke memang innocent gile arr~
admire je oke..:D

But the not so interesting part is when I have to pretend to be Ibu Tunggal. Oh what the eff~ Belum kahwin lagi and i'm not yet have a boyfreind dah dapat tittle itu! NO NO NO!! Lepastu memang giler sumpah semua orang kalau sebut lagi pasal cerita tuh. -______-"

Semester ni hampir berlalu. A lot of things happen. Dan sangat sedih bila memikirkan when I'm finishing my last paper 12 November ni i'll go into the new semester unofficially. *cry* Thats why I nangis after pharmacology paper sebab dah la subjek tu paling minat lepastu lecturer pun minat so kalau boleh nak lulus cemerlang and lastly lain pulak jadinya. So macam dah takdde semangat mau study subjek lain sebab rase macam outcome yg same akan dapat. Sudahla i work hard gile sem ni sebab nak cover 1st year punye pointer yang agak mengancam sebab I punye penyesalan tuh. Long sighhhh. Kenapa lah baru sedar semua yang berlaku ade hikmahnya bila dah terlambat?

Eh sudahlah what happen is happen so dah tak boleh patah balik dah. Lagipun result belum keluar lagi hopefully everything will be okayyyyy~ *pray hard to GOD* Takkan sebab keciwa satu paper je paper lain mau kondemkan same kan? Haha...ok i got new spirit now! I will work hard for another 4 paper. LUCK LUCK LUCK...please sit beside me okayy~

babai~ :D

Thursday, October 29, 2009



I said i don't Want to cry. I said i don't want to give up. But at the end...I cry, I give up.

Haish...wake up wake up. Jangan macam ni boleh tak??

Harap-harap dapat survive untuk beberapa minggu akan datang. Nana, sila ingat kata-kata ini,
"When you feel like giving up, remember of why you held on for so long in the first place."

Ok babai.

I don't want to give up.


I want to cry. Ade sesiapa yang mahu memberi pinjam bahunye kepada saye? *ini tidak tipu saye memang sedang menangis sekarang*

Hari ini memang sedih gila. Berhadapan dengan killer paper dalam exam hall tadi sudah cukup membuat aku menangis kesedihan. Macam dah nampak je mase depan yang gelap di situ. Rase macam kerja keras selama ni tak berbaloi. Memang ramai yang keluar dari exam hall tadi dengan muke penuh kepura-puraan. Menyembunyikan kesedihan di dalam hati. Haish...harap-harap lecturer tidak terlalu strict dalam penandaan kali ini. -_____-"

Walaupun susah tapi subjek ini lah yang menjadi kegemaranku. FARMAKOLOGI. Itulah subjek yang menjadi mimpi ngeri bagi kebanyakan orang. Terlalu banyak nama dadah yang perlu di hafal, mechanisme of action yang harus di fahami, indication serta contraindication memang cukuplah men'stress'kan. Tapi saye ni pelik sikit, makin susah subjek tu, makin la saye suke. Sebab ia dapat meransang otak untuk bekerja keras. Yeah ape yang penting? KERJASAMA! *eh kenapa wonderpets ade disini?* Hari ini saye bukan sahaja sedih sebab paper hari ni memang teruk, saye sedih sebab lepas ni dah tak ambil lagi subjek ni. Subjek ni cuma ditawarkan semester ini je.

Tak boleh lupe macam mane saye bermain dengan mencit dan tikus dalam lab. Banyak kali tangan ini dicemari dengan najis serta urin haiwan tersebut. Tapi pakai glove ye. Plus, lecturer nye pun sangat best. Ingat lagi Dr. Rohi?? Haha..die memang seorang yang sanagat hebat dan sangat tererlah. Kalau mengajar memang best giler. harap-harap satu hari ni saye mampu menjadi lecturer yang sehebat dia. *wink-wink* memang fully in love lah dengan care die mengajar! ^_^ Dialah sumber inspirasi untuk saye study hard dan perform dalam bidang nih. Oh ye nanti saye akan cerite lagi pasal die.

Terfikir nak ambil master dalam bidang ni tapi macam dah lari dari course yang sekarang lah pulak. Biasenye yg further dalam Farmakologi ni cume budak-budak Farmasi je. Hmm harap-harap ade la peluang ni. -_-"*Eh kau baru 2nd year la, banyak tak belajar lagi!* heh. Ini semua pengaruh dari lecturer yang satu ni.

Ok cukuplah saye membebel kat sini. Mahu tidur dulu. Nanti malam nak bakar minyak lagi. *Burn the midnight oil* Babai olz~

"When you fell like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place"

~suke kate-kate ni. i don't want to give up. i must fulfill my DREAM~
nota: Bila cerite pasal Dr. Rohi terus tak jadi nangis. Haish...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009



Wow! after almost two month of hiatus from writing! No no i haven't forgotten about my lovely blog. Although sometimes the thought of discontinuing my blog came across my mind, but after thinking of the hard time and work i have put into editing my lovely pink blog, i guess i should keep on writing and posting. But this time maybe just about random stuff or thoughts of mine. And for those who tagged me last time, I'm truly sorry i cannot do your tag etc, it's really hard for me to do because with the pack class, tonnes of lab report, assignment and study for killer subject, sitting in front of the lappy for a long hours is a big NO NO to me. Capital letter, bold, blink-blink red color 'NO' just like Dr. Rohi my lovely lecturer said. Oh I adore him so much! The best ever lecturer have been teaching me! Oh it doesn't me others are not good. It just that he is extra special *wink-wink*. (Oh my i hope i'm not making any controvertial statement here.) I love all my lecturer, they all are the best and if they are not good/qualified, how come they given a job to teach a super-lazy people like me? -_-" I'm planning to be a lecturer one day wish me luck ya!

Reading back my previous post makes me wonder, OH MY GOD NANA! What have u been talking, blabbering about in your blog for the past few month??!! T_T so childish, so immatured! Huhu. *knock herself* . I'm gonna deleting some of my old post. So today is a brand new me writing here. Hope i can control myself not to talk nonsense. -_-" But thats why they develop this blog thingy rite? For people to talk nonsense. Ok not all but some yes. And its me.

Hmm how to be matured, look matured, or act like a matured people? I have been thinking about this for a long time. Put some wrinkles at the coorner of the eye can make someone matured? *long sigh -_________-"* Eh abig NO NO. i don't want wrinkle at this young age. If i do have i'll inject BOTOX. Guess i gotta learn from my lecturer how to make BOTOX. *wink-wink* I'll get to this topic later ya guys! Haha note to itself: you are officially 21 years old now act just like your age!

Actually i have a LOT story to write here, depends on you my lovely follower or guys out there to read or not. I'm writing here because i think it is time for me to keep tracking of what i have done in the past so that the wonderful, happiness or sad moment didn't lost. ^_^ All random stuff just like i mention above.

Ok guys bye for now. It is time for me to continue study. I'm in the middle of exam. And tomorrow is one of my killer subject paper. Can't wait for tomorrow. Fighting!

nota kaki: phew berjaya menulis fully in english walaupun macam ade yang tak betul di sana-sini. so entry lepas ni adelah rojak. Heee~ mixture of malay and english. Eh lepastu jadi manglish lah? -_-"


Things In My Head

I'm a fangirl. ni mungkin penuh dengan si pujaan hati!

Oh result mahu keluar. :(

Kolej sudah memanggil-manggil. :(

--If you run away, I'll come running after you. no matter where you go, be it hell, or the furthest corner on earth, I'll catch up with you.--

The Blog Mistress

My photo
Just bear with me people! -_-


Jerit Ramai-ramai!!

Teddy bear mau nyanyi

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