Saturday, December 5, 2009

.........and the golden eye boy wins her heart.

Twilight/New Moon mood.....atau sebetulnya Robert Pattinson mood??

Belum tengok lagi movie ni, tapi ia dah termasuk dalam senarai 'a-must-watch-movie'. :D
Terasa macam malas nak tengok sebenarnya sebab dah tahu ending nye macam mane.
Yupp...I have read all the books.
Ramai yang pergi tengok kate movie ni bosan, sebab tak banyak adegan antara Edward dengan Bella. Tapi bila tengok behind the scene kat channel 712, rasa macam mahu pergi tengok.
I want to watch the last part where Edward meet the Volturi. :)
Benda yang buat saya tak suka tengok cerita adaptasi ni kadang-kadang ada certain scene from the book yang tak include dalam movie. Important scene pulak tu.

But he is so irresistible!!!! I MUST watch this.


Anonymous said...

xbesh ke..
lionteen igt nk tgk..
klau mcm tu,tggu vcd je la..hehe

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Sile-sile berkomen disini. Ia adalh percuma dan tiada caj tersembunyi dikenakan. Kutukan anda amat-amatlah saya hargai........*LOL*

Things In My Head

I'm a fangirl. ni mungkin penuh dengan si pujaan hati!

Oh result mahu keluar. :(

Kolej sudah memanggil-manggil. :(

--If you run away, I'll come running after you. no matter where you go, be it hell, or the furthest corner on earth, I'll catch up with you.--

The Blog Mistress

My photo
Just bear with me people! -_-


Jerit Ramai-ramai!!

Teddy bear mau nyanyi

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